Webcam per streaming HP 965 4K

Webcam per streaming HP 965 4K
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Desktop, Notebook, Stampanti ed Accessori direttamente dallo shop ufficiale HP.

Webcam per streaming HP 965 4K in vendita su HP a € 163,20.

Questa è la pagina dedicata per leggere tutti i dettagli e per acquistare Webcam per streaming HP 965 4K.

Caratteristiche Webcam per streaming HP 965 4K

  • Stream your most authentic self with an AI-enhanced, HDR webcam in up to 4K resolution on your favorite streaming platforms
  • This webcam automatically color corrects, so you look true-to-life, day or night, while it also automatically keeps you center stage
  • All you need is one webcam to stream, automate, and create what you care about

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